Berit Aicha

Berit Aicha
Photo: Indrek Arula

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sawah - lyrics and translation - for my students!

Arabic Songs Lyrics Translated into English
Sawah (Vagabond/Wanderer) by Abdel Halim Hafez عبد الحليم حافظ (Egypt)

سواح وماشي في البلاد سواح
Sawah, wei mashee feil beilaad, sawah
Vagabond, and walking between countries, vagabond
Wandering, and walking through the lands, wandering
والخطوة بيني وبين حبيبي براح
Weil khatwa beinee wei bein habibee barah
And the step between me and my beloved (is) "big"
And the distance between me and my beloved is vast.
مشوار بعيد وأنا فيه غريب
Meish war bei-eed, wana feeh gareeh
A long journey, and I´m wounded in it
It's a long journey, And in it, I'm a stranger.
والليل يقرب والنهار رواح
Weil leil yei-arab, weil nahar rawah
And the night approaches, and the day goes
And the night draws near, And the sun has returned to it's home.

Refrain 1
وان لقاكم حبيبي سلموا لي عليه
Wein laakom habibee, saleimulee alei
And if you see my beloved, say "Hello" to him (her)
If you find my love, Greet him for me.
طمنوني الأسمراني عامله إيه الغربة فيه
Tameinuneel asmaranee, amla eil el ghorba fee
Reassure me: how is my brown looking girl doing so far away
Reassure me about my love, What has the separation done to him.

سواح وأنا ماشي ليالي سواح
Sawah, wana mashee layalee
Vagabond, l´m walking nights
Wandering, I walk through the nights, wandering.
ولا داري بحالي سواح
Sawah, walla daree bhalee
Vagabond, not knowing what I´m doing
With no control over myself, wandering.
من الفرقة يا غالي سواح
Sawah, meil for-a ya ghalee
Vagabond,and the separation, oh my dear
From our separation, precious, wandering.
إيه اللي جرى لي سواح
Sawah, eih elee garalee
Vagabond, what has happened to me
What has happened to me? Wandering.

Refrain 2
وسنين وأنا دايب شوق وحنين
Weisneen, weisneen wana dayeib bshoq wei haneen
And years, years and I´m melting in longiness and tenderness
And for years, For years I've fallen in love with him.
عايز أعرف بس طريقه منين
Ayeiz a-araf bass taree-u meinein
I want to know just where is his (her) road
I just want to know which path leads to him

Refrain 1

يا عيوني..آه يا عيوني
Ya eounee, ah ya eounee,
My eyes, oh my eyes
My eyes! Oh my eyes,
إيه جرى لك فين إنت وبتعمل إيه

eih garalak fein enta, wei bta-meil eih
What has happened to you? and what are you doing?
what has happened to you? Where are you and what are you doing?
يا ظنوني..آه يا ظنوني
Ya znounee, ah ya znounee mat seibounee
My worries, oh my worries, leave me along
My worries, Oh my worries, leave me alone.
ما تسيبوني مش ناقص أنا حيرة عليه
Meish naaeis ana heer aleil
I´m worrried enough about him (her)
I'm worried enough about him

لا أنا عارف أرتاح
Lana areif ar-taah,
Neither can I rest,
I can't find rest,
وأنا تايه سواح
wana ta-yeih sawaah
and I am lost like a vagabond
And I'm lost, wandering

Refrain 2

Refrain 1

يا قمر يا ناسيني
Ya amar ya naseenee
Oh moon, who´s forgetting me
Oh moon, you who has forgotten me
رسيني عاللي غايب
Raseenee alee ghayeib
Take me to othe absent one
Show me the way to the lost one
نور لي .. وريني سكة الحبايب
Nawarlee, wareenee, seikeit el habayeib
Enlighten me, show me the road to the beloved
Light the way, show me to The path of my beloved

وصيتك وصية يا شاهد عليا
Waseitak, weiseiya, ya shaheid alaya (2x)
I´ve made you promise, you who witnessed
You have promised me, You who bears witness for me

تحكي له عاللي بيه
Teikeelu alei beiya
To tell him (her) of my state
Tell him all that is within me
واللي قاسيته في لياليا
Weilee aseito blayaleiya
And what I´ve suffered during my nights
And how I'm tortured every night

Refrain 2

Refrain 1

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